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Juni Taisen - Zodiac War, Vol. 4

Twelve fighters enter, one fighter leaves-who will win the 12th Zodiac War?

Every 12 years, 12 fighters take the form of the Chinese zodiac and engage in a battle royale. With their strength and mysterious powers, they fight to the death and the sole survivor is granted the ultimate prize-any wish.

With most of Rabbit's zombie army out of the way, only one thing stands between Ox and Tiger and taking down Rabbit for good-Monkey. Her sheer strength and power, once disciplined in life, are completely unhinged in death, making her far and away the strongest fighter! With only four fighters and one zombie remaining, who will come out victorious? Don't miss the thrilling, unexpected conclusion to the twelfth Zodiac War!

Juni Taisen - Zodiac War, Vol. 4